Jazzfest.Wien History 2019
Anna Lauvergnac

Foto: Dalibor Danilovic
In the circle of Jazz critics, Anna Lauvergnac is rightly praised as a great jazz and soul singer, Together with the extraordinary musicians of the “International Quartet”, she proved to have a fascinating personality and a impressive stage presence. Anna Lauvergnac shines with her expressive timbre, exceptional expressivity , a warm and beautiful voice, and her very distinctive style. (Johannes Seifert, Augsburger Allgemeine)
“Anna sings from her heart” Sheila Jordan once said about the long time singer of the Vienna Art Orchestra. Furthermore, one might add, she also has the ability to touch people’s hearts. There are many singers with a beautiful voice that find themselves a good rhythm section, but Anna Lauvergnac with her excellent travel companions are a real band, able to reach such level of inspiration and communication that they turn a concert into an intense and unforgettable experience. And while even the most demanding Jazzpurist will be pampered, also Jazz newcomers will be introduced to what this music can be : not a mere show in which exposing abilities, but a real act of love. (Marcus A. Woelfle, Jazz Zeit)
Line Up:
Anna Lauvergnac voc
Oliver Kent p
Karol Hodas b
Dusan Novakov dm