Jazzfest.Wien History 2017
Jakob Zimmermann Trio
Sunday July 2, 2017 |
09.00 pm
Porgy & Bess

Foto: Jakob Zimmermann Trio MGMT
This 17-year old from Bludenz demonstrated his musical talent at a young age. Jakob Zimmermann’s first instrument was the accordion. At the age of nine he began taking piano lessons, but soon dropped the lessons because of a conflict with the teacher. He then concentrated on teaching himself to play.
At the age of 12 he participated in Outreach Academy in Tyrol where international Jazz musicians particpated. Miles Davis sideman Adam Holzmann took him under his wing. In late 2014 Zimmermann founded his own group. He says his musical inspirations include Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock and Keith Emerson.