Jazzfest.Wien History 2019

Ben Sky

Saturday July 6, 2019 | 08.00 pm | Summerstage – admission free!


BEN SKY is Petra Kamenar who took her stage name from her maiden name, BENovSKY. BEN SKY has composed songs for a long time, but it took a while to get the music from her head on to a record. The result is “Secret Garden”, her very personal musical journey on vinyl. This debut is authentic, unconventional and charming. A moaning cello, hard beats, and a bit of the circus can be found on the album’s 12 songs. The English lyrics describe all of the phases of the artist’s life. This includes being in love, being a mother, the loss of a mother, and the disappointment of love gone wrong. Classical elements lend themselves to easy listening, while the driving beats seem to encourage some kind of movement or action.